Friday, February 5, 2010

What show do you think is better ICarly or True Jackson vp?

I really like both, but im gonna have to go with True Jackson vp. I like the idea of a young girl running things in a fashion magazine. Plus its just a fun show to watch. =DWhat show do you think is better ICarly or True Jackson vp?
I pick icarly. I really don't care too much for either. My daughter watches the show. The thing is, is that the show icarly is barly plausible in that they're not doing anything more than what regular internet star wannabeez do and it's not funny. I doubt you would get much of a laugh from my daught

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What show do you think is better ICarly or True Jackson vp?
I like iCarly better. Most Nickelodean drama's are pretty corny (cough cough, Zoey 101. lol.), but it's still fun when I need something to watch. True Jackson VP is okay, but it kind of irritated me in the plotline when it's like she just randomly got a job at this place and the hot guy that's probably like 15 years older than her.

on that true jackson vp shpw,it just seems like real bad acting.

but iCarly seems real:)
obviously Icarly i luv that show its proper jokes i watched all the episodes i cant wait for the new ones its really funny
True Jackson D.A.S. (dumb a$$ show) is freakin retarded. iCarly rocks!
I hate icarly, and i've never heard of true jackson

I liked old Nick!




the one about the monsters

Are you afraid of the dark?

i dont know if i like either? but if everybody says icarly i guess icarly
I don't think I know true Jackson vp...

so iCarly..even though the show annoys me because the carly girl always looks so awkward to me...
icarly has a good theme song and it's somewhat entertaining
True Jackson VP, It's about time a black girl started running Nickalodean ;]
well i don't likee any of them,but i seen them,i think

i carly because it's crazy %26amp; fun.

true jackson is just stupid.

my opinion.
True Jackson VP!

Better acting!
True Jackson VP definitely!
ICarly, for sure.

She's really funny and entertaining
i usually like icarly better but now i like true jackson because ryan sheckler just guest starred!!! but my favorite shows are made and true life on mtv.


Icarly because I've only seen like one episode of True Jackson. haha..but I like them both..
I have never heard of those shows ... I don't watch kiddie shows...


(I know, I'm pretty pathetic too ... hehe)
Well I think that the answer to that question would be iCarly... No offense to those in favor of True Jackson VP!!!
i am 24 years old and my daughter watches these shows personally she loves ICarly way better....

oh and Drake and Josh of course

the other one sucks
ICarly of course
GROSS they both suck!!!! blah!!! i hate them so much!!! that carly is so ugly and annoying. and the other show is boreing
ICarly, its a good show. But i also like The suite life on deck, the suite life of zack and cody, hannah montana, naturally sadi, life with derek...ect...

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