Friday, February 5, 2010

Do teen wear madstyle true jackson clothes?

My causin who is 15 is asking can teens her age wear those or they are for mostly middle schooler.Do teen wear madstyle true jackson clothes?
i would say middle schoolers and so pretty much the grades 3-6th maybe?? but i think only weird 6th graders...because i dont think people would think its cool and 6th graders r judgemental. but if they are outgoing of course..ok too much off the topic. so no i would think its only for that age group...8 year olds to like 11 year olds maybe?

hope i helpedDo teen wear madstyle true jackson clothes?
she can wear whatever she wants, as long as she feels confident and comfortable in it :)

And I am not really sure if true jackson madstyle clothing is really for her age; I have never seen her line of clothing before
if your cousin was me i would not be wearing that i think she needs to look round bit more and go to shops like JR primark and that lot try help her out i hope this helps her out thx

Aimee :)*
What kind of clothes are those?
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